Additional Inputs
Prepared By: Company Name:
Sam Miller Aviation Flight Academy
Accounts Receivable (A/R) Days Sales Outstanding
Percent of Collections Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Paid within 30 days[1] 80% 80% 80%
Paid between 30 and 60 days[2] 15% 15% 15%
Paid in more than 60 days[3] 3% 3% 3%
Allowance for bad debt[4] 2% 2% 2%
This should equal 100%  ----> 100% 100% 100%
Accounts Payable (A/P)
Percent of Disbursements Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Paid within 30 days 100% 100% 100%
Paid between 30 and 60 days 0% 0% 0%
Paid in more than 60 days 0% 0% 0%
This should equal 100%  ----> 100% 100% 100%
Line of Credit Assumptions
Desired Minimum Cash Balance 0[5]
Line of Credit Interest Rate 13.00%
Additional Fixed Assets Purchases[6]
Fixed Assets Depreciation (years) Sept  Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Year 1 Totals Year 2 Total Year 3 Total
Real Estate                                   20  $                        -                        $                             -    
Leasehold Improvements                                     7  $         1,000,000                        $              1,000,000    
Equipment                                     7  $            150,000                        $                 150,000    
Furniture and Fixtures                                     5  $            150,000                        $                 150,000    
Vehicles                                     5  $         2,878,700                        $              2,878,700    
Other Fixed Assets                                     5  $                        -                        $                             -  $              -  $              -
Total Additional Fixed Assets    $         4,178,700  $               -  $               -  $               -  $               -  $               -  $               -  $               -  $                    -  $               -  $                  -  $                  -  $              4,178,700  $              -  $              -
Income Tax Assumptions
Effective Income Tax Rate - Year 1 8.5%
Effective Income Tax Rate - Year 2 8.5%
Effective Income Tax Rate - Year 3 8.5%
Amortization of Start-Up Costs
Amortization Period in Years 3


If you are a retail business or don't have accounts receivable put 100% for each year.

In this field put the percentage of your sales that you expect to carry as A/R. If your business sells in cash, put 0%. Otherwise, estimate the percentage that will be paid between 30 and 60 days after sale.

In this field put the percentage of your sales that you expect to carry as A/R but not paid for more than 60 days. If your business sells in cash, put 0%. Otherwise, estimate the percentage that will be paid more than 60 days after sale.

Allowance for bad debt is the percentage of total A/R you believe will not be collectable for whatever reason. It could be because your customer becomes insolvent or goes out of business.

If you can find an industry average for your industry, use that percentage. If in doubt, use either 0 or 1%. Many businesses that have good collection processes may have substantially less than 1% during a strong economy. Bankers like to see a figure here because it lets them know you are realistic about discounting the total value of your A/R as collateral for a potential loan.
How low do you want to let your ending cash balance to get? The minimum should be $0, but you might want to choose $1000, $5000, etc.

Use this space to add items purchased after the date of the starting point (Tab 1a).