Operating Expenses Years 1-3
Prepared By: Company Name:
Sam Miller Aviation Flight Academy
Line Item 43344 Growth Rate 1 to 2 43345 Growth Rate 2 to 3 43346
Advertising                   6,000,000 3.0%                   6,180,000 3.0%                   6,365,400
Car and Truck Expenses                      267,500 3.0%                      275,525 3.0%                      283,791
Commissions and Fees                      180,000 5.0%                      189,000 5.0%                      198,450
Contract Labor (Not included in payroll)                        30,000 3.0%                        30,900 3.0%                        31,827
Insurance (other than health)                        66,000 3.0%                        67,980 3.0%                        70,019
Legal and Professional Services                        96,000 3.0%                        98,880 3.0%                      101,846
Licenses                        18,000 5.0%                        18,900 5.0%                        19,845
Office Expense                        60,000 3.0%                        61,800 3.0%                        63,654
Rent or Lease -- Vehicles, Machinery, Equipment                        42,000 3.0%                        43,260 3.0%                        44,558
Rent or Lease -- Other Business Property                      240,000 3.0%                      247,200 3.0%                      254,616
Repairs and Maintenance                        60,000 5.0%                        63,000 5.0%                        66,150
Supplies                        60,000 3.0%                        61,800 3.0%                        63,654
Travel, Meals and Entertainment                      144,000 3.0%                      148,320 3.0%                      152,770
Utilities                      600,000 3.0%                      618,000 3.0%                      636,540
Miscellaneous                                  - 3.0%                                 - 3.0%                                 -
Total Expenses  $              7,863,500    $              8,104,565    $              8,353,120
Other Expenses          
Depreciation                       770,026                        770,026                        770,026
Commercial Loan                                 -                                   -                                   -
Commercial Mortgage                                 -                                   -                                   -
Credit Card Debt                                 -                                   -                                   -
Vehicle Loans                                 -                                   -                                   -
Other Bank Debt                                 -                                   -                                   -
Line of Credit                       (91,527)                      (329,497)                      (569,132)
Bad Debt Expense                   4,791,658        
Total Other Expenses  $              5,470,156    $                 440,528    $                 200,894
Total Operating Expenses  $          13,333,656    $            8,545,093    $            8,554,014