Aviation Flight Academy™

Commercial Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™


Objective: To introduce the pilot to the listed tasks with emphasis on traffic pattern operations.

Text References: Commercial Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep (FM); Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH)


1. Preflight briefing

2. New items

Certificates and documents - FM 68-71

Airworthiness requirements - FM 72-76

Operation of systems - FM 106-110; POH-1, 7, 8, 9

Aeromedical factors - FM 111-116

Preflight inspection - FM 118-122; POH-4

Cockpit management - FM 123-126

Engine starting - FM 127-131; POH-4

Taxiing - FM 132-138

Runway incursion avoidance - FM 139-143

Before-takeoff check - FM 144-147; POH-4

Radio communications and ATC light signals - FM 150-152

Traffic patterns - FM 153-159

Runway incursion and collision avoidance - FM 153-154

Airport, runway, and taxiway signs, markings, and lighting - FM 160-167

Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb - FM 170-178; POH-4

Normal and crosswind approach and landing - FM 179-196; POH-4

Short-field takeoff and maximum performance climb - FM 208-214; POH-4

Short-field approach and landing - FM 215-221; POH-4

Power-off 180° accuracy approach and landing - FM 222-230

Emergency approach and landing (simulated) - FM 314-320; POH-3

After landing, parking, and securing - FM 336-339; POH-4

Additional items at CFI’s discretion

3. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

Completion Standards

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the pilot demonstrates at least a private pilot skill level in the assigned tasks, with the exception of a power-off 180° approach and landing. The pilot will demonstrate understanding of the techniques required to perform power-off accuracy approaches and landings.