Aviation Flight Academy™

Commercial Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™


Objective: During this stage check, an authorized instructor will determine if the pilot is proficient in planning and conducting daytime and nighttime cross-country flights at the commercial pilot skill level.

Text References:Commercial Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep (FM); Pilot Handbook (PH); Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH)


1. Flight Lesson 33 complete? Yes Copy of lesson placed in pilot’s folder? Yes

2. Preflight briefing

3. Stage check tasks

Weather information - FM 77-91

Cross-country flight planning - FM 92-94

National Airspace System - FM 95-101

Performance and limitations - FM 102-105; POH-2, 5, 6

Aeronautical decision making (ADM) - PH 343-349

Cockpit management - FM 123-126

Radio communications and ATC light signals - FM 150-152

Runway incursion avoidance - FM 139-143

Traffic patterns - FM 153-159

Airport, runway, and taxiway signs, markings, and lighting - FM 160-167

Soft-field takeoff and climb - FM 197-202; POH-4

Soft-field approach and landing - FM 203-207; POH-4

Short-field takeoff and maximum performance climb - FM 208-214; POH-4

Short-field approach and landing - FM 215-221; POH-4

Pilotage and dead reckoning - FM 270-274

Magnetic compass turns - FM 272-274; PH 96-101

Navigation systems and radar services - FM 275-276; PH 481-514

Diversion - FM 277-279

Lost procedures - FM 280-282

Physiological aspects of night flying - CFI

Lighting and equipment for night flight - CFI

Systems and equipment malfunctions - FM 321-322; POH-3, 9

Postflight procedures - FM 335-339

Additional items at CFI’s discretion

4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

Completion Standards

The lesson and Stage Two will have been successfully completed when the pilot can demonstrate proficiency in cross-country planning and flight procedures in daytime and nighttime conditions. The flight does not have to take place at night. The pilot may demonstrate understanding of night flight considerations in lieu of conducting the flight at night. The pilot will be able to maintain the desired altitude, ±100 ft.; airspeed, ±10 kt.; and heading, ±10°, and verify the airplane’s position within 2 NM of the flight planned route at all times.