Aviation Flight Academy™

Commercial Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™


Objective: To review procedures and maneuvers covered previously. Additionally, the pilot will be introduced to eights-on-pylons and basic attitude instrument flight in a complex airplane

Text References:Commercial Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep (FM); Pilot Handbook (PH); Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH)


1. Flight Lesson 35 complete? Yes Copy of lesson placed in pilot’s folder? Yes

2. Preflight briefing

3. Review items

Operation of systems - FM 106-110; POH-1, 7, 8, 9

Supplemental oxygen - FM 326-327; POH-7, 8

Pressurization - FM 328-334; POH-7

Aeromedical factors - FM 111-116

Short-field takeoff and maximum performance climb - FM 208-214; POH-4

Short-field approach and landing - FM 215-221; POH-4

Power-off 180° accuracy approach and landing - FM 222-230

Go-around/rejected landing - FM 231-235; POH-4

Chandelles - FM 249-253

Lazy eights - FM 254-259

Systems and equipment malfunctions - FM 321-322; POH-3, 9

4. New items

Eights-on-pylons - FM 262-267

Straight-and-level (IR) - CFI

Turns to a heading (IR) - CFI

Recovery from unusual flight attitudes (IR) - CFI

Constant airspeed climbs and descents (IR) - CFI

Additional items at CFI’s discretion

5. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

Completion Standards

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the pilot demonstrates an understanding of performing eights-on-pylons in the complex airplane. Additionally, the pilot’s proficiency in chandelles and lazy eights will increase. The pilot will be able to maintain VX, +10/–0 kt. until clearing the obstacles during the short-field takeoff, then maintain VY, ±5 kt. During the short-field and power-off accuracy approaches and landings, the pilot will be able to maintain the recommended approach airspeed (with gust factors applied), ±5 kt., and touch down at or within 200 ft. beyond a specific point.