Aviation Flight Academy™

Commercial Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™


Objective: During this stage check, an authorized instructor will determine if the pilot is proficient in the commercial pilot flight maneuvers.

Text References:Commercial Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep (FM); Pilot Handbook (PH); Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH)


1. Flight Lesson 58 complete? Yes Copy of lesson placed in pilot’s folder? Yes

2. Preflight briefing

3. Stage check tasks

Performance and limitations - FM 102-105; POH-2, 5, 6

Operation of systems - FM 106-110; POH-1, 7, 8, 9

Preflight inspection - FM 118-122; POH-4

Cockpit management - FM 123-126

Engine starting - FM 127-131; POH-4

Taxiing - FM 132-138

Runway incursion avoidance - FM 139-143

Before-takeoff check - FM 144-147; POH-4

Radio communications and ATC light signals - FM 150-152

Traffic patterns - FM 153-159

Airport, runway, and taxiway signs, markings, and lighting - FM 160-167

Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb - FM 170-178; POH-4

Normal and crosswind approach and landing - FM 179-196; POH-4

Soft-field takeoff and climb - FM 197-202; POH-4

Soft-field approach and landing - FM 203-207; POH-4

Short-field takeoff and maximum performance climb - FM 208-214; POH-4

Short-field approach and landing - FM 215-221; POH-4

Power-off 180° accuracy approach and landing - FM 222-230

Go-around/rejected landing - FM 231-235; POH-4

Steep turns - FM 238-242

Steep spirals - FM 243-248

Chandelles - FM 249-253

Lazy eights - FM 254-259

Eights-on-pylons - FM 262-267

Maneuvering during slow flight - FM 284-288

Power-off stalls - FM 289-294; PH 71-75

Power-on stalls - FM 295-300; PH 71-75

Accelerated stalls - FM 301-305; PH 71-75

Spin awareness - FM 306-308; POH-2

Straight-and-level (IR) - CFI

Constant airspeed climbs and descents (IR) - CFI

Turns to a heading (IR) - CFI

Recovery from unusual attitudes (IR) - CFI

Emergency descent - FM 311-313; POH-3

Emergency approach and landing (simulated) - FM 314-320; POH-3

Systems and equipment malfunctions - FM 321-322; POH-3, 9

Emergency equipment and survival gear - FM 323-324; POH-7, 9

After landing, parking, and securing - FM 336-339; POH-4

Additional items at CFI’s discretion

4. Postflight critique

Completion Standards

This lesson and Stage Three will have been successfully completed when the pilot demonstrates the required level of proficiency in all stage check tasks based on the current FAA Commercial Pilot Test Standards. If additional instruction is necessary, the check instructor will assign the additional training. If the flight is satisfactory, the check instructor will complete the pilot’s training records and recommend the pilot for the End-of-Course check