Aviation Flight Academy™

Instrument Rating

Aviation Flight Academy™


Objective: To develop the pilot’s knowledge of airports, wake turbulence and collision avoidance, ATC communication procedures and phraseology, ATC clearances, IFR flight plan and information, and the National Airspace System.

Text References:

Instrument Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep

Instrument Pilot FAA Knowledge Test Prep, Study Unit 5, “Airports, Air Traffic Control, and Airspace”

Instrument Pilot Flight Maneuvers Instrument Pilot FAA and Practical Test Prep Knowledge Test Prep

Reading Assignment Study Unit 5

Study Unit 6, “Cross-Country Flight Planning”

Study Unit 10, “Compliance with Air Traffic Control Clearances”

Study Unit 15, “Departure, En Route, and Arrival Operations”

Study Unit 21, “Loss of Communications”


5.1 Precision Instrument Runway Markings

5.2 Airport Signs and Markings

5.3 Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)

5.4 Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)

5.5 Runway Light Systems

5.6 Wake Turbulence

5.7 Collision Avoidance

5.8 IFR Flight Planning Information

5.9 IFR Flight Plan (Domestic)

5.10 IFR Flight Plan (ICAO)

5.11 ATC Clearances

5.12 ATC Communication Procedures

5.13 Radio Communication Failure

5.14 Navigation Radio Failure

5.15 Types of Airspace

5.16 Airport Diagram – Chart Supplement

Completion Standards

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the pilot answers the questions in Study Unit 5, “Airports, Air Traffic Control, and Airspace,” of Instrument Pilot FAA Knowledge Test Prep, FAA Test Prep Online, and/or Online Ground School with a minimum passing grade of 80%.