Aviation Flight Academy™

Instrument Rating

Aviation Flight Academy™


Objective: To review previous lessons to gain proficiency in full-and partial-panel attitude instrument flying.

Text References:

Instrument Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep (FM)

Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH)


1. Flight Lesson 4 complete? Yes ___ Copy of lesson placed in pilot’s folder? Yes ___

2. Preflight briefing

3. Review items

Full-panel attitude instrument flight

IFR preflight inspection

Airplane systems related to IFR operations

Airplane flight instruments and navigation equipment

Instrument flight deck check

Instrument takeoff

Straight-and-level flight

Constant airspeed climbs and descents

Rate climbs and descents

Standard rate turns

Steep turns

Change of airspeed

Maneuvering during slow flight


Recovery from unusual flight attitudes

IFR postflight procedures

Partial-panel attitude instrument flight

Straight-and-level flight

Magnetic compass turns

Constant airspeed climbs and descents

Rate climbs and descents

4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

Completion Standards

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the pilot demonstrates smooth, coordinated control of the airplane during full-panel attitude instrument flight. Additionally, the pilot will demonstrate increased understanding of partial-panel operations. The pilot will be able to maintain the desired altitude, ±150 ft.; airspeed, ±10 kt.; heading, ±15°; angle of bank, ±5°; and climb/descent rate, ±200 fpm; to roll out on the desired heading, ±15°; and to level off at the desired altitude, ±150 ft. Recovery procedures from stalls and unusual attitudes should be done correctly, with the successful outcome never in doubt.