Aviation Flight Academy™

Instrument Rating

Aviation Flight Academy™


Objective: To introduce the pilot to GPS orientation and the method used to track a GPS course. Additionally, the pilot will increase proficiency in VOR procedures.

Text References:

Instrument Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep (FM)

Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH)


1. Flight Lesson 9 complete? Yes ___ Copy of lesson placed in pilot’s folder? Yes ___

2. Preflight briefing

3. Review items

Basic instrument flight patterns (as directed by your instructor)

VOR orientation

VOR time and distance calculations

Intercepting and tracking VOR radials and arcs

4. New items

GPS orientation -FM 8

Tracking a GPS course -FM 14

Intercepting a course, tracking, and arcs using GPS -FM 14; POH 9

Additional items at CFI’s discretion

5. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

Completion Standards

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the pilot can demonstrate an understanding of GPS orientation, the method used to track a GPS course, and the method used to intercept, track, and fly an arc using GPS. Additionally, the pilot will demonstrate increased proficiency in VOR procedures. The pilot will be able to maintain the desired altitude, ±100 ft.; airspeed, ±10 kt.; heading, ±10°; and arc, ±2 NM; and to track a VOR radial with no more than a 3/4-scale deflection of the CDI or within 10° in the case of an RMI.