Aviation Flight Academy™
Objective: To increase the pilot’s proficiency in IFR cross-country operations. This cross-country flight must be performed under IFR and must be at least 250 NM along airways or ATC-directed routing with one segment of the flight consisting of at least a straight-line distance of 100 NM between airports. Additionally, it must involve an instrument approach at each airport and three different kinds of approaches with the use of navigation systems.
Text References:
Instrument Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep (FM)
Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH)
1. Flight Lesson 25 complete? Yes ___ Copy of lesson placed in pilot’s folder? Yes ___
2. Preflight briefing
3. Review items
Weather information
Cross-country flight planning
Instrument takeoff
Compliance with ATC clearances
Holding procedures
Precision approach
Nonprecision approach (at least two different kinds of approaches)
Missed approach
Landing from an instrument approach
Emergency operations (simulate)
Loss of communications
Loss of primary flight instrument indicators
Low fuel supply
Engine failure
Additional items at CFI’s discretion
4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson
Completion Standards