Aviation Flight Academy™
Ground Lesson 11: Cross Country Flight Planning
To further develop the student’s ability to properly plan a VFR cross-country flight. Additionally, the student is introduced to the procedures to use when lost and when diverting to an alternate airport.
Study Unit 11 Contents
11.1 Preflight Preparation
11.2 VFR Flight Plan
11.3 Weight and Balance
11.4 Navigation
11.5 Diversion to an Alternate Airport
11.6 Lost Procedures
11.1 VFR Flight Plan
11.2 Preflight Inspection
11.3 Miscellaneous Airspeed Questions
11.4 Taxiing Technique
11.5 Magnetic Course
11.6 Magnetic Heading
11.7 Compass Heading
11.8 Time En Route
11.9 Time Zone Corrections
11.10 Fundamentals of Flight
11.11 Rectangular Course
11.12 S-Turns across a Road
11.13 Landings