Aviation Flight Academy™

Private Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™

Flight 3 - Basic Instrument Maneuvers

To improve the student’s proficiency in the four fundamentals of flight and to introduce the student to basic instrument maneuvers.

1. Flight Lesson 2 complete? Yes Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes

2. Preflight briefing

3. Review items

Use of checklists,Straight-and-level flight, Radio communication, Climbs, Pilot qualifications, Descents, Preflight assessment, Turns to a heading, Engine starting, Collision and obstacle avoidance scannine, Taxiing, Runway incursion avoidance, Traffic patterns, Before takeoff check, Normal and crosswind approach Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb, After landing, parking, and securing procedures

4. New items

Taxiing in a crosswind -FM 14

Turns to headings (IR)* -FM 39

Attitude instrument flying -FM 36

Additional items at CFI’s discretion

Straight-and-level flight (IR)* -FM 36

Constant airspeed climbs (IR)* -FM 37

Constant airspeed descents (IR)* -FM 38

* IR means instrument references only, which can be taught by CFIs in contrast to IFR training by CFIIs.

5. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the student demonstrates an increased understanding of the four fundamentals of flight by use of proper controls. The student will, with instructor assistance, become more proficient in the preflight procedures and a normal and crosswind takeoff. Additionally, the student will display an understanding of the basic instrument maneuvers.