Aviation Flight Academy™
Flight 4 - Slow Flight and Stalls
To improve the student’s proficiency in the performance of the four fundamentals of flight and to introduce maneuvering during slow flight, stalls, and spin awareness.
1. Flight Lesson 3 complete? Yes
Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes
2. Preflight briefing
3. Review items
Use of checklists,Runway incursion avoidance, Operation of airplane systems,Before takeoff check, Preflight assessment, Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb, Collision and obstacle avoidance and scanning, Four fundamentals of flight, Traffic patterns, Engine starting,Normal and crosswind approach and landing, Radio communication,After landing, parking, and securing, Airport markings and signs procedures, Taxiing
4. New items Maneuvering during slow flight -FM 32; PH 1
Power-off stalls (entered from straight flight) -FM 33; PH 1
Power-on stalls (entered from straight flight) -FM 34; PH 1
Spin awareness -FM 35; PH 1; POH 3
Additional items at CFI’s discretion
5. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson