Aviation Flight Academy™
Flight 9 - Pre-solo Review
To review and to further develop the student’s proficiency in the maneuvers and procedures required for solo flight.
1. Flight Lesson 8 complete? Yes
Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes
2. Preflight briefing
3. Review items
Pilot qualifications, Power-off stalls (entered from straight flight Operation of airplane systems and turns), Preflight assessment, Power-on stalls (entered from straight flight Engine starting and turns), Taxiing, Steep turns, Runway incursion avoidance, Normal and crosswind approach and landing, Before takeoff check, Go-around/rejected landing, Radio communication, Forward slip to a landing Traffic patterns, Recovery from bouncing and ballooning during landing, Airport markings and signs,Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb, ATC light signals Flight by reference to instruments (IR), Maneuvering during slow flight
Additional items at CFI’s discretion
4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson