Aviation Flight Academy™

Private Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™

Flight 10 - Pre-solo Review

The instructor will evaluate and correct any deficiency in the student’s performance of the presolo maneuvers in preparation for solo flight.

1. Flight Lesson 9 complete? Yes

Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes

2. Preflight briefing

3. Review items

Use of checklists,Traffic patterns, Flight deck management, Normal and crosswind approach and landing, Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb, Dealing with unexpected requests from ATC, Wake turbulence avoidance (if appropriate), Collision and obstacle avoidance and scanning, Forward slip to a landing, Go-around/rejected landing, Wind shear avoidance, After landing procedures, Emergency descent, Parking and securing procedures, Emergency approach and landing, Additional items at CFI’s discretion, Systems and equipment malfunctions, S-turns Turns around a point

4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the student displays the ability to perform all of the maneuvers safely, without instructor assistance, in preparation for solo flight in the local practice area. At no time will the successful outcome of each task be in doubt.