Aviation Flight Academy™
Flight 12 - Stage One Check
During this stage check, an authorized flight instructor will determine if the student can safely conduct solo flights to the practice area and exercise the privileges associated with the solo operation of the airplane.
1. Flight Lesson 11 complete? Yes
Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes
2. Preflight briefing
3. Stage check tasks
Operation of airplane systems, Maneuvering during slow flight, Preflight assessment, Power-off stalls, Flight deck management, Power-on stalls, Engine starting, Systems and equipment malfunctions, Radio communication, Emergency descent, Taxiing, Emergency approach and landing, Runway incursion avoidance, Traffic patterns, Before takeoff check, Normal and crosswind approach and landing, Wake turbulence avoidance, Go-around/rejected landing, Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb, After landing, parking, and securing, Collision and obstacle avoidance and scanning, Additional items at CFI’s discretion, Wind shear avoidance, Flight by reference to instruments (IR)
4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson