Aviation Flight Academy™

Private Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™

Flight 18 - Night Flight - Local

To introduce the student to night-flying preparation and night-flying operations.

1. Flight Lesson 17 complete? Yes

Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes

2. Preflight briefing

3. New items

Human factors associated with night flying ­PH 6

Airport lighting -PH 3

Airplane equipment and lighting requirements -FM 46

Personal equipment and preparation -FM 46

Safety precautions while on the ground and in theair -FM 46

Emergency procedures at night -FM 46

Night preflight assessment -FM 18, 46

Flight deck management -FM 12

Engine starting -FM 13

Taxiing -FM 14

Runway incursion avoidance -FM 14; PH 3

Before takeoff check -FM 15

Normal takeoffs and landings -FM 18, 46

Soft-field takeoffs and landings -FM 20-21, 46

Short-field takeoffs and landings -FM 22-23, 46

Traffic patterns -FM 17; PH 3

Go-around/rejected landing -FM 25

Collision and obstacle avoidance and scanning -PH 3

Steep turns -FM 26; PH 1

Maneuvering during slow flight -FM 32; PH 1

Power-off stalls -FM 33; PH 1

Power-on stalls -FM 34; PH 1

Recovery from unusual flight attitudes (IR) ­FM 40

Systems and equipment malfunctions -FM 44; POH 3

Emergency approach and landing -FM 43; POH 3

Additional items at CFI’s discretion

4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the student displays the ability to maintain orientation in the local practice area and airport traffic pattern, and can accurately interpret aircraft and airport lights. The student will maintain altitude, ±150 ft.; airspeed, ±10 kt.; and heading, ±10°.