Aviation Flight Academy™
Flight 18 - Night Flight - Local
To introduce the student to night-flying preparation and night-flying operations.
1. Flight Lesson 17 complete? Yes
Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes
2. Preflight briefing
3. New items
Human factors associated with night flying PH 6
Airport lighting -PH 3
Airplane equipment and lighting requirements -FM 46
Personal equipment and preparation -FM 46
Safety precautions while on the ground and in theair -FM 46
Emergency procedures at night -FM 46
Night preflight assessment -FM 18, 46
Flight deck management -FM 12
Engine starting -FM 13
Taxiing -FM 14
Runway incursion avoidance -FM 14; PH 3
Before takeoff check -FM 15
Normal takeoffs and landings -FM 18, 46
Soft-field takeoffs and landings -FM 20-21, 46
Short-field takeoffs and landings -FM 22-23, 46
Traffic patterns -FM 17; PH 3
Go-around/rejected landing -FM 25
Collision and obstacle avoidance and scanning -PH 3
Steep turns -FM 26; PH 1
Maneuvering during slow flight -FM 32; PH 1
Power-off stalls -FM 33; PH 1
Power-on stalls -FM 34; PH 1
Recovery from unusual flight attitudes (IR) FM 40
Systems and equipment malfunctions -FM 44; POH 3
Emergency approach and landing -FM 43; POH 3
Additional items at CFI’s discretion
4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson>