Aviation Flight Academy™
Flight 19 - Night Cross-Country
To develop the student’s ability to plan and fly a night cross-country flight of more than 100 NM total distance with at least one landing at an unfamiliar airport; to develop the student’s proficiency in navigating at night by means of pilotage, dead reckoning, and other navigation system(s).
1. Flight Lesson 18 complete? Yes
Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes
2. Preflight briefing
3. Review items
Human factors, Constant airspeed descent and climb (IR), Personal equipment and preparation, Navigation systems and ATC services (IR), Obtaining weather information, Collision and obstacle avoidance and scanning, Determining performance and limitations, Short-field takeoffs and landings, Pilotage and dead reckoning, Soft-field takeoffs and landings, Navigation systems, Go-around/rejected landing, Unfamiliar airport operations, Straight-and-level flight (IR), Lost procedures, Turns to headings (IR), Diversion to an alternate airport
4. New items
Route selection -FM 6
Additional items at CFI’s discretion
Night VFR fuel requirements (14 CFR 91.151) -PH 4
5. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson
Instructor endorse logbook for solo cross-country