Aviation Flight Academy™

Private Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™

Flight 23 - Maneuvers Review

To develop improved performance and proficiency in the procedures and maneuvers covered previously.

1. Flight Lesson 22 complete? Yes

Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes

2. Preflight briefing

3. Review items

Short-field takeoff and climb, Emergency approach and landing, Soft-field takeoff and climb, S-turns, Cross-country procedures, Turns around a point, Maneuvering during slow flight, Traffic patterns, Power-off stalls, Short-field approach and landing, Power-on stalls, Soft-field approach and landing, Spin awareness, Go-around/rejected landing, Straight-and-level flight (IR), Forward slip to a landing, Turns to headings (IR), After landing, parking, and securing, Constant airspeed descents (IR), Constant airspeed climbs (IR), Additional items at CFI’s discretion, Recovery from unusual flight attitudes (IR), Radio communications, navigation systems/ facilities, and radar services (IR)

4. Postflight critique and preview of next lesson

The lesson will have been successfully completed when the student demonstrates improved proficiency in the maneuvers given. The student will complete each task to the standards specified in the current FAA Private Pilot Airman Certification Standards.