Aviation Flight Academy™
Flight 26 - End of Course Test
The student will be able to demonstrate the required proficiency of a private pilot by utilizing the current FAA Private Pilot Airman Certification Standards.
1. Flight Lesson 25 complete? Yes
Copy of lesson placed in student’s folder? Yes
2. Stage check tasks
Pilot qualifications, Airworthiness requirements, Obtaining weather information, Cross-country flight planning, National Airspace System, Determining performance and limitations, Operation of airplane systems, Human factors, Preflight assessment, Flight deck management, Engine starting, Radio communication and light signals, Taxiing, Airport markings, signs, and lights, Runway incursion avoidance, Before takeoff check, Wake turbulence avoidance, Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb, Normal and crosswind approach and landing, Collision and obstacle avoidance and scanning, Wind shear avoidance, Soft-field takeoff and climb, Short-field takeoff and climb, Soft-field approach and landing, Short-field approach and landing, Forward slip to a landing, Go-around/rejected landing, Pilotage and dead reckoning, Lost procedures, Diversion, Straight-and-level flight (IR), Constant airspeed climbs (IR), Constant airspeed descents (IR), Turns to headings (IR), Unusual flight attitudes (IR), Navigation systems/facilities and radar services (IR), Spin awareness, Maneuvering during slow flight, Power-off stalls, Power-on stalls, Steep turns, Systems and equipment malfunctions, Emergency descent, Emergency approach & landing, Traffic patterns, Rectangular course, S-turns, Turns around a point, After landing procedures, Parking and securing the airplane, Emergency equipment & survival gear, Night preparation (oral or flight), Night operations (oral or flight), Additional items at CFI’s discretion
3. Postflight critique
4. Flight Lesson 26 complete? Yes
Copy of lesson and graduation certificate placed in student’s folder? Yes