Date Last Revised Revised By Notes
6/21/2013 Heather Hendy Tab 3a, cell O55: added margin from 6th product. Tab 3b, cells O49 and AD49: added margins from 6th product. Tab 7b: added % sales for lines 23 and 59 for all three years.
7/14/2013 Heather Hendy Updated Tabs 5a, 5b, 7a, and 7b to automatically carry over debt categories from Tab 1 in case they are edited. Updated Tabs 5b, 7a and 7b to carry over expense categories from tab 5a in case they are edited. 
4/23/2014 Heather Hendy Tab 8 Balance Sheet Cell F41 comes from E41 + tab 6b cell AB24 + tab 6b cell AB27.
However tab 6b cell AB27 did not have a sum total in the cell.
So when paying Dividends in Year 3 the total for the year is not calculated and carried over to the Balance Sheet. This has now been updated.
11/12/2015 Joe Clarke Comments were added to the calculation for Social Security taxes to clarify that salaries above the wage base limited ($117,000 currently) will cause the estimate to be overstated and will require manual calculation.
2/10/2016 Joe Clarke Corrected an error (typo) in Amortization Table.
4/3/2016 Joe Clarke Corrected an error in the calculation of Income Tax for Year 3 on Tab 7b and set defaults on Tab 4 to those needed by most startups.
5/18/2016 Joe Clarke Corrected the calculation of income tax on Tabs 7a and 7b to realize interest expenses from all loan types as well as bad debt.
6/7/2018 Michael Gilman Tab 3 b 1-3 year sales forecast correct formula in col Q referenced the incorrect totals at the bottom of the sheet. The incorrect formula was referencing cell O52, O53, O54, O55 needed to reference O46, O47, O48, O49.