Aviation Flight Academy™

Private Pilot Program

Aviation Flight Academy™

Private Pilot Program

Part 141 and 61 Programs

The following table lists the sequence of the flight and ground lessons and the minimum time for each lesson. The times listed are for instructor/student guidance only and are not meant to be mandatory times. These times will ensure that the minimum time requirements for aeronautical knowledge and flight training are in compliance either with 14 CFR Part 141, Appendix B, Private Pilot Certification Course, or with 14 CFR Part 61. Each training flight (solo and dual) must include a preflight briefing and a postflight critique of the student’s performance by the instructor. This time will be entered into the logbook as “ground training.”

Lesson Flight Training (Dual) Solo/PIC Dual Cross-Country Solo Cross-Country Night Instrument Ground School
Flight 1 - Introduction to Flight 1.0
Ground 1 - Airplanes and Aerodynamics 3.0
Flight 2 - Four Fundamentals of Flight 1.0
Ground 2 - Airplane Instruments. Engines and Systems 3.0
Flight 3 - Basic Instrument Maneuvers 1.5 0.5
Ground 3 - Airports, Air Traffic Control, and Airspace 3.0
Flight 4 - Slow Flight and Stalls 1.5
Ground 4 - Federal Aviation Regulations 3.0
Flight 5 - Emergency Operations 1.5
Flight 6 - Performance Maneuvers 1.5
Flight 7 - Review 1.5
Ground 5 - Airplane Performance Weight & Balance 3.0
Flight 8 - Go around and Forward Slip to a Landing 1.5
Flight 9 - Presolo Review 1.5 0.3
Flight 10 - Presolo Review 1.5
Flight Presolo Knowledge Test
Flight 11 - First Solo 0.5 0.5
Ground Stage One Knowledge Test 1.0
Flight 12 - Stage One Check 1.0 0.2
Ground 6 - Aeronautical Factors and Decision Making 2.0
Flight 13 - Second Solo 1.0 0.5 0.2
Ground 7 - Aviation Weather 3.0
Flight 14 - Short Field and Soft Field Takeoff and Landing 1.5 0.2
Ground 8 - Aviation Weather Services 2.5
Flight 15 - Solo Maneuvers Review 1.0
Ground 9 - Navigational Charts, Pubs and Flight Computers 3.0
Ground 10 - Navigational Systems 2.5
Flight 16 - Navigational Systems 1.5 0.5
Ground 11 - Cross Country Flight Planning 2.5
Flight 17 - Dual Cross-Country 1.7 1.7 0.5
Ground Stage Two Knowledge Test 1.0
Flight 18 - Night Flight Local 1.3 1.3 0.3
Ground End of Course Knowledge Test 2.5
Flight 19 - Night Cross-country 1.7 1.7 1.7 0.4
Flight 20 - Solo Cross-country (Part 61/141) 2.0/* 2.0/*
Flight 20A - Solo Cross-country (Part 61) 3.0/* 3.0/*
Flight 20B - Solo Cross-country (Part 61) 2.0/* 2.0/*
Flight 21 - Maneuvers Review 1.2
Flight 22 - Solo Practice 0.8
Flight 23 - Maneuvers Review 1.2
Flight 24 - Solo Practice 0.8
Flight 25 - Stage Two Check 1.3 0.2
Flight 26 - End of Course Test 1.5 0.3
Part 141 TOTALS 29.4 5.6* 3.4 2.0* 3.0 3.0 35.0
Part 61 TOTALS 29.4 10.6 3.4 7.0* 3.0 3.0 35.0