Aviation Flight Academy™

Instrument Rating

Aviation Flight Academy™

Instrument Rating


The table on the following pages lists the sequence of the flight and ground lessons and the minimum time for each lesson. The times listed are for instructor/student guidance only and are not meant to be mandatory times. These times will ensure that the minimum time requirements for aeronautical knowledge and flight training are in compliance with Part 141, Appendix C, Instrument Rating Course.

14 CFR 61.65, Instrument rating requirements, requires that you have logged at least 50 hours of cross-country time as pilot in command (of which 10 hours must be in an airplane). A total of 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument time in the areas of operation listed in 14 CFR 61.65(c) is required, of which 15 hours must have been received from an authorized instructor. This instrument time must include 3 hours of instrument flight training within 2 calendar months before the date of the practical test and a 250 NM IFR cross-country flight with a total of 3 approaches. Thus, if you are conducting your training under Part 61, you and your instructor must add at least 5 additional instrument flight training hours to the 35-hour total in the following table. Additionally, you are responsible for ensuring that you have 50 hours of cross-country time as pilot in command. Gleim leaves the selection of which lessons to add up to the student/instructor to ensure the appropriate content is covered for each student.

Each training flight must include a preflight briefing and a postflight critique of the pilot’s performance by the instructor.

If you are using a flight simulation training device or aviation training device, the columns under BATD, AATD, and FFS represent a sample recommended sequence of lessons that can maximize use of simulator time. These are not the only lessons for which a simulator may be used. For more information, including definitions and approvals for the use of various types of simulators under Part 61 or 141, refer to Appendix B, starting on page 111.

Lesson Instrument Flight Training Dual Cross-Country BATD AATD FFS Ground School
Flight 1 - Attitude Instrument Flying 1.0 0.75 1.0 1.0
Ground 1 - Airplane Instruments 2.0
Flight 2 - Instrument Takeoff/Steep Turns/Airspeed Changes 1.0
Ground 2 - Attitude Instrument Flying/Aerodynamics 2.0
Flight 3 - Rate Climbs/descents, timed turns/magnetic compass turns 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flight 4 - Partial Panel Flying 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flight 5 - Attitude Instrument Flying (Review) 1.0
Flight 6 - Partial Panel Flying (Review) 1.0
Flight 7 - Basic Instrument Flight Patterns 1.0 1.0
Ground 3 Navigational Systems 2.0
Flight 8 - VOR/VORTAC procedures 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flight 9 - VOR Time/Dist. DME Arcs 1.0 1.0 1.0
Ground 4 Federal Aviation Regulations 2.0
Flight 10 - GPS Procedures 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flight 11 - GPS Procedures Advanced 1.0 1.0 1.0
Ground Stage One Knowledge Test 1.0
Flight 12 - Tracking the Localizer 1.0 1.0
Flight 13 - Stage One Check 1.5
Ground 5 = Airports/ATC/Airspace 2.5
Ground 6 - Holding and Instrument Approaches 3.0
Flight 14 - VOR Holding 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flight 15 - GPS Holding 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flight 16 - Localizer Holding 1.0 1.0
Flight 17 - DMR and Intersection Holding 1.0 1.0 1.0
Ground 7 - Aeromedical Factors 1.5
Flight 18 - VOR Instrument Approach 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flight 19 - GPS Instrument Approaches 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5
Flight 20 - Localizer Instrument Approach 1.0 1.0
Flight 21 - ILS Instrument Approach 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0
Flight 22 - Instrument Approaches (Review) 1.5
Ground Stage Two Knowledge Test 1.0
Ground 8 - Aviation Weather 2.5
Ground 9 - Aviation Weather Services 2.0
Flight 24 - Cross Country and Emergency Procedures 2.0 2.0
Ground 10 - IFR En Route 2.0
Flight 25 - Cross Country Procedures 3.0 3.0
Ground 11 - IFR Flights 3.0
Flight 26 - Cross Country Procedures 3.0 3.0
Ground Stage Three Knowledge Test 1.0
Flight 27 - Maneuvers Review 1.0
Ground End of Course Test 2.5
Flight 28 - Stage Three Check 1.5
Flight 29 - End of Course Test 1.5
Part 141 TOTALS 35.0 7.0 8.75 14.0 17.5 30.0
Part 61* TOTALS 40.0 7.0 10.0 20.0 20.0

* Part 61 must add at least 5 additional hours to the Part 141 instrument flight training time